AssetWise CONNECT Edition Implementation Guide

To Install and Configure the Asset Lifecycle Information Management Website

Note: The following steps will be replaced with the ALIM Automated Deployment. Use the Automated Deployment instead of these manual steps.

Follow these steps to manually install and configure the ALIM website.

  1. Copy from the ALIM installation folder into the virtual directory in which the website is hosted, for example, c:\inetpub\wwwroot\alim .
  2. Navigate to, and then open config.json.
  3. Enter a Web Service Gateway URL in the format [http or https]://[domain or machine]/ mapservicegateway/ , for example:
    Note: Replace [domain or machine] with your web domain or machine name.
    Note: The "/" at the end of the path is required.
  4. Enter a Map Service gateway URL in the format [http or https]://[domain or machine]/ mapservicegateway/ where [http or https] is your transfer protocol, and [domain or machine] is your server or domain name.
    Note: This feature is required for a future enhancement.
  5. Select Basic or IMS Authentication.
    Note: If you plan to install the Map functionality, you must select Basic authentication.
  6. If WSG and ALIM website are installed on separate servers, the WSG server and domain needs to be added to the ALIM web.config file. The ALIM website installer will have already added the ALIM site in the value settings. To add additional sites, delimit each site with a comma. For example,
      <add key="LoginWhiteList" value="," />
  7. Set baseUrL value to equal the WSG website URL that was installed in step 3, where [http or https] is your transfer protocol, and [domain or machine] is your server or domain name.
    Note: Remember to append /wsg/v2.6/ to the baseUrL value.
  8. The list of exposed repositories in web.config differs based on the repositories that have been exposed via the WSG endpoint. By default, if more than one repository exists, a selection list appears, otherwise if only one repository exists, the repository option is not visible. It is possible to only allow one repository to be listed, likewise, it is possible to display the name of the repository, when only one repository exists. To change this default behavior, see Editing Repository Values.